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All Poligon products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant Poligon: switches, industrial switches, digital telephone exchanges, RS232 and RS485 - Ethernet converters, special purpose switches, routers, data center switches, FTTx equipment, TDMoIP gateways, optical modems and multiplexers, redundancy equipment, Ethernet bridges over E1, E1 access devices, constructs, chassis, shelves, blocks, patch cords, optical cables, power supplies, AC-DC network adapters, headsets, SFP+ cables, software, SFP modules, device servers
  • Switches Poligon
    Akmanai, Arlan et al.
  • Industrial Switches Poligon
    Industrial Switches
    InZer, ACA54, etc.
  • Digital telephone exchanges Poligon
    Digital telephone exchanges
    5E1347-P-1000, etc.
  • RS232 and RS485 - Ethernet converters Poligon
    RS232 and RS485 - Ethernet converters
    Modbus, Arlan-9000, etc.
  • Special purpose switches Poligon
    Special purpose switches
    InZer®-10G-M, etc.
  • Routers Poligon
    Attica, DioNIS, et al.
  • Data center switches Poligon
    Data center switches
    Attica-5960, etc.
  • FTTx Equipment Poligon
    FTTx Equipment
    Level 2, Arlan et al.
  • TDMoIP Gateways Poligon
    TDMoIP Gateways
    Arlan-1453G, Arlan-1453GL, etc.
  • Optical modems and multiplexers Poligon
    Optical modems and multiplexers
    PolyCom-300, PolyCom-200, etc.
  • Backup equipment Poligon
    Backup equipment
    PolyCom-740, etc.
  • Ethernet bridges over E1 Poligon
    Ethernet bridges over E1
    Arlan-1451, Arlan-1450, etc.
  • E1 Access Devices Poligon
    E1 Access Devices
    PolyCom-741M, etc.
  • Constructs Poligon
    Attica, 3U-15-1, U-1, etc.
  • Accessories Poligon
    Arlan, AC-DS, SFP+, etc.
  • Software Poligon
    ArlanComManager, etc.
  • SFP Modules Poligon
    SFP Modules
    155M, 1.25G, 2.5G, etc.
  • Products discontinued Poligon
    Products discontinued
    PoliKom, Arlan, Irgiz, etc.


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